Wednesday, November 5, 2008

...the Doomed Canoe.

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Some time ago I wrote of the 'Elegy' that I found painted on the wall of a building in La Conner, Washington. How prophetic was THAT? For a while after that, any storm coming anywhere close seemed to have an effect on me.I have weathered these storms and I believe the worst is now behind me...but how real was this elegy ... and how true for the whole country?

Something about the way of the ancients and the emergence of their prophesies and lore seems to appear in contemporary life...the distant past returns to the NOW! After my journey to the South-East and the River of Grass, I found myself back where I began, assigned to deliver a large vessel down the Pacific Coast, via Panama to Florida.The journey began and was uneventful...but for me it ended in San Diego. A combination of storms and deceit by trusted associates (they called themselves friends)...and I separated from the vessel. My story here lends itself to the picture above...and finding this legend in Chumash Territory around Santa Barbara.

The porpoise (Dolphin) had dipped under the boat and come out ahead of it many times along the Pacific served to confirm my instincts about this vessel and the individual with whom I was sailing....this was another storm and at the moment I remain within the effects of it...but I see daylight and feel the approaching calm.

Has it taken me from my Ocean - my coastal home and comfort zone? I feel that it has ... but only physically ... not in Spirit. No storm ahead for now ... but to reach my home I will have to cross a mountain...

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