Sunday, November 23, 2008

Circles...Ancient, Universal...

Miami Circle

I like much a part of our History, our daily lives and of our Environment. How many people actually realize the importance and relevance of the Circle? Consider our transportation and the wheel which forms the very foundation of the way we get around on the Planet. How about the propeller on boats and aircraft? Life cycles of all living things, weather systems, ocean currents and our solar system...the Circle of Life.

The ancient ones understood this without science...examples like Stonehenge, Miami Circle, Yin and Yang ...they were able to connect many aspects of their existence to the Circle ... religion, agriculture, seasons, birth and death and believed in a continuum. All things are a giant circle..."what goes around, comes around".

My interest in Circles will continue thru' these pages and I'll attempt to photograph a lot of the ones I discover. The Miami Circle (above) was recently uncovered on the banks of the Miami River and altho' the meaning and significance is not yet understood, the fact that it exists and was determined to have been built 12-19000 years ago, illustrates some kind of understanding of the workings of the Universe and just how much of the mysteries of the past are yet to be discovered. Our Planet survived for thousands of years following ancient circles and patterns, and modern man has managed to destroy and disrupt many of those same 'circles' in just 100 years...we are doing something wrong...ya think?

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