Saturday, August 30, 2008

A message from Aloha!

" We live in a very problematic era. As individuals we suffer from a dysfunction of the ego or self. We spend a great deal of time pursuing social status and material wealth. We create stories about ourselves and selfishly fortify them in hopes that they will survive the threshold of life and death. Our ability to focus our attention on anything worthwhile is destroyed by consumerism, television, dysfunctional interpersonal relationships and the media....We are very confused. Our ego's are out of control. Quite simply we lack Aloha."

" Our 'self' problems are directly reflected in problems of the physical environment. Like notes to a song, innumerable individual selves manifest as a collective self. This collective self has developed a voracious appetite for everything and anything. It moves and consumes; moves and consumes. This 'group self' has an insatiable appetite for anything in it's path and will even consume it's own mother, Mother Nature. We 'are' this collective self that has ironically divorced ourselves from our own nature; Mother Nature. In our egotistical drive towards making more profit we oppress her poor, we pollute her Oceans, destroy her atmosphere, exterminate her species, and war over her resources."

"...those of you with children should pay special attention. It is your offspring that will be inheriting a world of problems in the latter part of this century. Today we are carelessly laying the seeds of intolerance, seperation, selfishness and unmitigated greed that will come to fruition in a time to come. It will manifest in the catastrophic collapse of mankinds' social and physical environment. Our children will have no choice but to suffer in 'it' epoch of no Aloha."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aloha Blu' 'mon.

Thanks for reading this article and posting it. Do you know where I could get a full copy. One of my older computers collapsed with this document in it.

Mahalo Kelemoana Barrow

My E-mail is