Saturday, August 30, 2008

A message from Aloha!

" We live in a very problematic era. As individuals we suffer from a dysfunction of the ego or self. We spend a great deal of time pursuing social status and material wealth. We create stories about ourselves and selfishly fortify them in hopes that they will survive the threshold of life and death. Our ability to focus our attention on anything worthwhile is destroyed by consumerism, television, dysfunctional interpersonal relationships and the media....We are very confused. Our ego's are out of control. Quite simply we lack Aloha."

" Our 'self' problems are directly reflected in problems of the physical environment. Like notes to a song, innumerable individual selves manifest as a collective self. This collective self has developed a voracious appetite for everything and anything. It moves and consumes; moves and consumes. This 'group self' has an insatiable appetite for anything in it's path and will even consume it's own mother, Mother Nature. We 'are' this collective self that has ironically divorced ourselves from our own nature; Mother Nature. In our egotistical drive towards making more profit we oppress her poor, we pollute her Oceans, destroy her atmosphere, exterminate her species, and war over her resources."

"...those of you with children should pay special attention. It is your offspring that will be inheriting a world of problems in the latter part of this century. Today we are carelessly laying the seeds of intolerance, seperation, selfishness and unmitigated greed that will come to fruition in a time to come. It will manifest in the catastrophic collapse of mankinds' social and physical environment. Our children will have no choice but to suffer in 'it' epoch of no Aloha."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Flyin' High over the Merrimack...

I heard the 'man-bird' coming from far and I snapped this shot. I did not know that 'Father Moon' would be smilin' down thru' my lens.

( The pilot is Pat Bulgar of Amesbury, Mass)
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Merrimack River...

Simple beauty...need I say more?
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Sunset ....Rhode Island

Another pic ... entering Newport, Rhode Island. This is one of those 'feel-good-about-life' moments!
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Off the Grid...

Really like the idea presented in this pic...but I wonder if the place is really off the grid?
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

...a new mission

as a garbage recovery vessel... CLEAN UP THE TANK!
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Is this way of life sustainable? What part does this fisherman play in ensuring a way of life and future for his children? There are 'deep' questions that need answers and like this guy, there are many 'watermen' who would like to continue their chosen path of living off the sea. However nature demands that all creatures give back - nothing is free ... soon the cupboard is bare! All who look to the sea and come down to the shore to depart the harbors in boats must add a new dimension to their thought process - that of stewardship.

"ask not what the Ocean can do for you; ask (now) what you can do for the Ocean" (JFK)

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"Mother, Mother Ocean ... I have heard your call..."

"One hundred years ago the wind drove the 'cloud-vessels' of the white human in trade and fishing - this was the beginning of the days of our Mother Ocean. They came and took from our world and we gave generously.Then came the oil fired engine and plastic (as in gill-nets, the long-line and harpoons) and we yielded more ... and they took more. We have little left to give and we must travel far to feed our young ones"

In these last 100 years hu-man has taken 90% of the food resources from the Sea ... techno-fishing is highly efficient. I propose a FIVE year moratorium on all fishing ... and a stewardship plan. Our Ocean needs to heal. When was the last time the 'tank' was cleaned? Those who have found profit from the Ocean need to now clean up and maintain the 'tank'.

I have a plan for those five years and it is very simple: Go forth in your fishing vessels and clean up the Ocean. Recover the garbage (plastic) that has been dumped in all the bodies of our water planet that floats and kills and destroys. Eliminate government subsidies and allocate those funds to men and equipment for restoration. Take the money that is spent on war and killing too and take constructive action for the future of our Blue Planet. Make it so and we will discover new values and prosperity as stewards of our environment - restore the balance that nature intended for all creatures of this Island in the Universe.

"Island life is measured life".

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Sunday, August 3, 2008


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"Clouds in the sky to the North...
I was slow to set up the camera
...they appeared as Dolphins
and they did not stay long."
I feel something that I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about - a recurring image; like blurry vision not threatening - some kin of peace ... a sign?

...until it's gone!

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This photo taken in FT LAUDERDALE, Florida ... a "package" on it's way to the Bahamas from JAPAN.
What kind of rot does this picture generate? Foreign Aid?
Is it any coincidence that the fishing regulations in the Islands of the Bahamas were recently amended and that citizens are exempt from any regulation? Japanese are financing fish-processing-houses in the Caribbean; Conch populations are almost wiped out and there is a strong absence/decline in breeding size tuna populations in the Gulf of Mexico. Is there a connection?
"The battle is raging - the ocean's resources are being wiped out and entire governments are zeroing in on all existing stocks with any value and grabbing anything they can while it lasts - God forbid that they miss out on the last of the great bounties our Mother Ocean has to offer! There are few out there to protect her ... "
"another storm is coming in..."

Plastic Fantastic...the slow killer in our Ocean

... any body wonder where this is taking us?

PLASTIC BAGS and our WATER WORLD - YachtForums.Com

Question is: Can you live without plastic and eliminate it from your life in any way, shape and form? Start at the grocery store and see how far you can take it - no more plastic shopping bags!

More on this later...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

...from the Ancient Ones?

Looking for inspiration and a life change in the Pacific NW this fading summer... and on my way to the San Juans to visit with the Orca ... never got to the Orca 'cos of a catastrophic transportation failure...stopped in La Conner and found this elegy painted on a wall on the waterfront ... it is a feast for thought!
".....another storm is coming in...."
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Friday, August 1, 2008

For starters...

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Go out thru' this headland, cross over the reef and you will find a place of magic...a world of stunning beauty where a man can swim free and truly witness the wonder of this Blue Planet.