Thursday, February 10, 2011

"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"

Paul Watson and the "Sea Shepherd Conservation Society"

"Nemo understood that it did not matter what humans thought, because humanity was the problem. His duty was to save life in the sea from the greed of mankind. I understand that philosophy and I have lived it every day of my adult life".

Courage to step into the forefront of humane-ness.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When the leaders of our governments fail us - when politics becomes a personal quest for power and greed becomes the reason to be in office, we turn elsewhere in our quest for sanity on a planet dominated by mad, arrogant human beings ... when we feel helpless to do anything about saving our Blue Planet and Mother Earth is raped and abused around the clock in every way ... we begin to turn to other means of action. This is one way - Spiritual and Ancient with a connection to Life before history ... I suppose there is a desperation among some of us and a Hope that some power will present itself to change the human's path of destruction.
Personally I am at a loss of what else to do but Pray!

The Song then moves into a chant, that goes beyond 'cultural language' and represents key tones and sacred sounds that resonates within us and all of life. The chant is "OMA, KA, OM" pronounced "OM-AH, KA,OM".
The Meaning of the Chant:
OMA - represents an honoring of the great Mother, Mother Earth and the resonance of the New Earth: GAIA. It is a call to her and an embodiment of this New Earth Frequency within ourselves. It also holds the vibration of 'AH' which is also the heart resonance the awakened compassion Heart through which we connect with all of Life.
KA - represents the energy of Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness that lives within each of us. It is a call to awaken this energy within ourselves and our world and return to this place of Consciousness and honoring all Life.
OM - is the sacred sound that represents the resonating TONE of the UNIVERSE. The Sound that pulses through all of life and the universe. The word universe, at it's root form, breaks down into 'Uni - Verse', which means the 'One-Song'.
This is repeated so we can each embody these resonating energy's and then send this sonic prayer out into the Waters of our Planet, into the great Oceans, into Mother Earth and thus flowing into all of Life.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sick of the housewife response

You guys are dreaming...get the intelligence, act on the intelligence. Where do the "research' vessels hang out when they are not in the killing fields? Would Ric o' Barry be against training some liberated dolphins to do some dirty work? gotta level the playing field ... murder is a capital offense ... there are no rules here and if there were we would not be having this conversation!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

what I remember about Walla Walla, Washington...

A great Native American and another example of the US tradition of betrayal and annihilation...with liberty and justice for all!
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Native American Horses at OMAK STAMPEDE

This was in August 2010 at the Omak Stampede - the actual run was held at night so no photos of the Famous Suicide Race. The horses really got into the whole challenge! A really good day for me around the Indian camp and village.
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Monday, November 15, 2010


What is this...?

Taiji and the yellow peril...

My anger this morning is really tough to deal with...the situation in Taiji, Japan is playing heavily on my mind. HUMANENESS is what comes to mind...or the LACK of HUMANENESS.

The Japanese fishermen in this village bring shame on themselves, shame on their neighbors, their village, and shame on their countrymen ... I can never look upon these people with respect again ... they are indeed the yellow peril - through their actions and the actions of others within their society ( whalers, Tuna agents etc.) - as they strip the ocean of life and demonstrate a complete lack of respect for all life on our Planet and our Ocean Mother.

What to do...? The choice seems to be either PEACEFUL re-action, or AGGRESSIVE re-action. I pray for the ending of their actions. I pray for direction in my response to this injustice and the callous destruction of the Souls in the Sea - the Blue oceanbeings.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Power of One...

Until we change from the mindset of dominance of our surroundings ... to one where we live in harmony with our surroundings, this path of destruction of Nature, and ultimately Humankind will continue. Understand the Pipe of Peace, humanize by accepting a kinship with other orders of life, and dedicate our Children to peace ... it's the Power of One.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

...from the "Cleanest Line".

Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia on why to vote the Environment:

"We’ve seen a decade of record heat around the world, more-virulent storm systems, the evacuation of a major American city and, just this fall in Pakistan, the flooding of an area the size of Italy with seven million homeless. New drilling techniques for harder-to-reach oil created the largest oil spill in history. Fresh water, a resource for which we have no alternative, is being drawn down all around the world faster than it can be polluted. The major fisheries are depleted or close to depletion. The fish at the top of the food chain will poison us if we eat too many in a given month. A gyre of plastic waste twice the size of Texas floats the Pacific. There are fewer species of all kind, flora and fauna – fewer strands to the web of life. They’re disappearing at a rate unprecedented since the meteor hit the dinosaurs. "

Friday, October 29, 2010

Vision Quest ...

We try to sleep, to still our racing minds ...
only to fall into dreams of ancient times.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

...more Redman words.

" accordance with Lakota belief that man did not occupy (any) special place in the eyes of 'Wakan Tanka', the Grandfather of us all. (We are) only a part of everything called the world .... (we) see that humaneness is not a thing which can be ordered by law. It is an ideal to be lived."

- Chief Luther Standing Bear - Lakota (Sioux) 1933

(Ref: "Land of the Spotted Eagle" - Luther Standing Bear)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some 'new' foods...

Been looking around again and working out lifestyle choices trying to set some personal food boundaries ... trying to sever all junk food and work towards a superior diet.

QUINOA - A sacred food originates in the Ancient Inca diet called 'chisaya mama' (mother of all grains). Not actually a grain, but related to leafy greens (spinach and Swiss Chard), it's packed with protein - all nine essential amino acids ... chewy, crunchy and Gluten free.

KOMBUCHA - a fermented culture of yeast and bacteria mixed with black tea and sugar! Great tasting but tart drink that energizes and detoxifies, balances internal pH and curbs the appetite.
[PS - Not too sure about this stuff!]

HEMP MILK - most potent source and highest content of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) ... rich in calcium,amino acids B vitamins and fiber.

AGAVE NECTAR - natural sweetener 75% stronger than sugar from the agave plant ( Tequila).

[Check out Wikipedia for reference to these foods]

(I will add more as I discover them!)