Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Mother, Mother Ocean ... I have heard your call..."

"One hundred years ago the wind drove the 'cloud-vessels' of the white human in trade and fishing - this was the beginning of the days of our Mother Ocean. They came and took from our world and we gave generously.Then came the oil fired engine and plastic (as in gill-nets, the long-line and harpoons) and we yielded more ... and they took more. We have little left to give and we must travel far to feed our young ones"

In these last 100 years hu-man has taken 90% of the food resources from the Sea ... techno-fishing is highly efficient. I propose a FIVE year moratorium on all fishing ... and a stewardship plan. Our Ocean needs to heal. When was the last time the 'tank' was cleaned? Those who have found profit from the Ocean need to now clean up and maintain the 'tank'.

I have a plan for those five years and it is very simple: Go forth in your fishing vessels and clean up the Ocean. Recover the garbage (plastic) that has been dumped in all the bodies of our water planet that floats and kills and destroys. Eliminate government subsidies and allocate those funds to men and equipment for restoration. Take the money that is spent on war and killing too and take constructive action for the future of our Blue Planet. Make it so and we will discover new values and prosperity as stewards of our environment - restore the balance that nature intended for all creatures of this Island in the Universe.

"Island life is measured life".

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