Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When the leaders of our governments fail us - when politics becomes a personal quest for power and greed becomes the reason to be in office, we turn elsewhere in our quest for sanity on a planet dominated by mad, arrogant human beings ... when we feel helpless to do anything about saving our Blue Planet and Mother Earth is raped and abused around the clock in every way ... we begin to turn to other means of action. This is one way - Spiritual and Ancient with a connection to Life before history ... I suppose there is a desperation among some of us and a Hope that some power will present itself to change the human's path of destruction.
Personally I am at a loss of what else to do but Pray!

The Song then moves into a chant, that goes beyond 'cultural language' and represents key tones and sacred sounds that resonates within us and all of life. The chant is "OMA, KA, OM" pronounced "OM-AH, KA,OM".
The Meaning of the Chant:
OMA - represents an honoring of the great Mother, Mother Earth and the resonance of the New Earth: GAIA. It is a call to her and an embodiment of this New Earth Frequency within ourselves. It also holds the vibration of 'AH' which is also the heart resonance the awakened compassion Heart through which we connect with all of Life.
KA - represents the energy of Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness that lives within each of us. It is a call to awaken this energy within ourselves and our world and return to this place of Consciousness and honoring all Life.
OM - is the sacred sound that represents the resonating TONE of the UNIVERSE. The Sound that pulses through all of life and the universe. The word universe, at it's root form, breaks down into 'Uni - Verse', which means the 'One-Song'.
This is repeated so we can each embody these resonating energy's and then send this sonic prayer out into the Waters of our Planet, into the great Oceans, into Mother Earth and thus flowing into all of Life.