Saturday, October 30, 2010

...from the "Cleanest Line".

Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia on why to vote the Environment:

"We’ve seen a decade of record heat around the world, more-virulent storm systems, the evacuation of a major American city and, just this fall in Pakistan, the flooding of an area the size of Italy with seven million homeless. New drilling techniques for harder-to-reach oil created the largest oil spill in history. Fresh water, a resource for which we have no alternative, is being drawn down all around the world faster than it can be polluted. The major fisheries are depleted or close to depletion. The fish at the top of the food chain will poison us if we eat too many in a given month. A gyre of plastic waste twice the size of Texas floats the Pacific. There are fewer species of all kind, flora and fauna – fewer strands to the web of life. They’re disappearing at a rate unprecedented since the meteor hit the dinosaurs. "

Friday, October 29, 2010

Vision Quest ...

We try to sleep, to still our racing minds ...
only to fall into dreams of ancient times.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

...more Redman words.

" accordance with Lakota belief that man did not occupy (any) special place in the eyes of 'Wakan Tanka', the Grandfather of us all. (We are) only a part of everything called the world .... (we) see that humaneness is not a thing which can be ordered by law. It is an ideal to be lived."

- Chief Luther Standing Bear - Lakota (Sioux) 1933

(Ref: "Land of the Spotted Eagle" - Luther Standing Bear)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some 'new' foods...

Been looking around again and working out lifestyle choices trying to set some personal food boundaries ... trying to sever all junk food and work towards a superior diet.

QUINOA - A sacred food originates in the Ancient Inca diet called 'chisaya mama' (mother of all grains). Not actually a grain, but related to leafy greens (spinach and Swiss Chard), it's packed with protein - all nine essential amino acids ... chewy, crunchy and Gluten free.

KOMBUCHA - a fermented culture of yeast and bacteria mixed with black tea and sugar! Great tasting but tart drink that energizes and detoxifies, balances internal pH and curbs the appetite.
[PS - Not too sure about this stuff!]

HEMP MILK - most potent source and highest content of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) ... rich in calcium,amino acids B vitamins and fiber.

AGAVE NECTAR - natural sweetener 75% stronger than sugar from the agave plant ( Tequila).

[Check out Wikipedia for reference to these foods]

(I will add more as I discover them!)