Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A bit of a Dream...


Looking for an expedition vessel and came upon this lil' beauty in Florida ...layed up on the New River in Ft Lauderdale. RV Sealth is owned by Global Seas outta Seattle and as of this post has just returned to her original home in the Pacific North-West.
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Monday, July 19, 2010

...missing my friends in the Bahamas!

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Been gone a long time from the Ocean Mother and lookin' to get back home. I am in the high country of the NW Cascades on 'walkabout' or visionquest. I do not forget my friends and live with them in my dreams ... sometimes they suprise me with thoughts from afar and I go there. It will not be long now and the time will come when I will return to the blue and take my place within the lens as an ambassador for all oceanbeings and sea friends!