Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Memory of...

The other memorial in Monterey California...this is all that remains of a by-gone era. Never again will we witness the bounty of the Sardine runs in Central California. This was erected by the fishermen of Monterey to remind future generations of the sacrifice in human lives made in the rush to riches and the destruction of an Ocean resource. Our kids will never see the grandeur of this resource...only the stone-cold bronze statues memorializing their greed and selfishness. How many more statues will the human erect marking the disappearance of all that is precious from our Ocean Mother? Will the human ever cease to think of domination over all other life on this planet? How long before the human realizes the value of a sustainable resource, the importance of co-existing with other life forms and what legacy will we leave for future generations in terms of the "value" of life on our Blue Planet?
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